Magazine Feature: Michigan Home and Lifestyle
This past summer, Michigan Home and Lifestyle Magazine approached me and asked if I would be interested in being their Guest Designer for the 2018 spring issue. This publication releases 4 issues each year, and with each one they select a designer from Michigan to write an article of their choosing and be featured in the magazine.
---My response? Um - YES!---
Because so many of the spaces I design are for families, I wanted to write an article that would be relevant to my clientele. After a lot of thought, ‘The ABC’s of Designing a Family-Focused Home’ came to be. In addition to the article, they had me put together a ‘Designer’s Choice’ section with 8 products related to family-focused design. I included products that I love to use and that also hold up to the everyday wear and tear of family-living.
I am thrilled to be featured in this issue. It hits newsstands mid-next week, so be sure to pick up your copy and check it out!